Friday, January 6, 2012

My New years Resolution.

My New years resolutions for 2012 are too get better grades, apply myself more in school, and start saving my money for a car, instead of using it at the mall. I have the first resolution because I don't want anymore C's in ANY of my classes. The Second resolution is because in school I don't really pay attention and I just kind of sit there and don't learn anything. Finally, the third is because unless I start saving now I am not going too be anywhere close too buying my car when I get my license if I don't start saving instead of spending. These are my New Years resolutions for 2012! Write more soon(:

2012 Finally!

Finally Christmas and New years is over! I was finally glad too be back in school, glad too see all of my friends again. It is now 2012 and my birthday is coming up in about sixteen days. I'm going too be turning fourteen and I am so excited. Also, now that the huge break we had for Christmas is over I can't wait for the next huge break, which is spring break, Because my family is flying too Orlando, Florida too go too Disney World. I'm glad 2012 is finally here and all of this new stuff is happening. Hope the New Year is a good for you! I'll check back in later.(: